Biogo is an industry leader in the e-commerce market and one of the fastest growing natural food e-commerce stores in Central and Eastern Europe. We don't offer the products themselves, but a lifestyle and inspiration that results from our experiences.
What color is the world in my head?
Research, application and dissemination of ecological and economical food for humans.
Research, application and dissemination of effective methods to protect health and life on earth in an environment of social media and online networks.
Biogo arose from a minimalist attitude to life and combines maximum simplicity with the greatest sophistication. The idea for the logo therefore arose from the principle of central symmetry. Symmetry has its own style, layout, order, and character. It is characterized by simplicity and elegant solutions, but often also by originality and refinement.
With this combination, it will be difficult to change, recycle or refresh the brand that should be as pure and original as nature.
The logo consists of a combination of the words bio and go.
Organic symbolizes flora and fauna, i. H. life without the influence and effect of modern man. Go stands for a return to nature. That is, a change in lifestyle, attitude to the world, to people and to oneself. Simplification of basic life processes, detachment and a desire for constant development. The four symmetrical elements of the logo symbolize the four elements of Mother Nature (fire, earth, air and water) connected by a fifth element - human beings. The "i" has the task of protecting and maintaining the balance of life on earth.
In my eyes, the green dot is the world. A world of pure nature, pristine, organic, free from evil, violence and conventions. A world untouched by civilization, a world no longer visible to the naked eye....
We try our best to implement the environmentally friendly ideas that we actively promote in the company. When sending packages, we try to minimize the negative impact on the environment. For the packaging of most products we use cardboard boxes, padding paper and eco-tape. Finding the most sustainable and ecological business solutions is one of our priorities.
We rely on conscious consumption and honest and open communication with consumers. We want what goes into the shopping basket to be the result of real needs and informed choices. That's why we educate our audience and discuss nutrition-related topics on our channels.We also organize campaigns to encourage them to make green changes
Over the past few years, we have established ourselves as a leader in the e-commerce market for healthy food retail. In our online shop you will find more than 20,000 organic products from leading foreign brands. We also work with local traders and small producers, supporting the local economy.
We put a lot of energy into educating and raising awareness among our customers. Every change is a process and we believe that daily inspiration will facilitate this process. We motivate, encourage, explain - we regularly support our customers in their fight for the future of us all.
We believe that our everyday choices and those of our consumers can change the world. We want to accompany them on this path. We support the idea of recycling. With small actions such as handing out bags or environmentally friendly gifts, we can also influence the decisions of our customers. We encourage them to take the first step and show them that it's easy to care for the environment.
Finding alternatives to plastic packaging is our priority! We attach great importance to this. We know that it is not possible to eliminate everything at once, we know that ecology is a process. We believe that step by step we will get to the point where Biogo becomes zero waste.
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